Vitamin B12-aptamer



The aptamer was selected for the first time[1]

Preliminary characterization of crystals of an in vitro evolved cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) binding RNA[2]

The structural basis for molecular recognition by the vitamin B12 RNA aptamer[3]

The structure of the vitamin B12 RNA aptamer in complex with its ligand has been determined at 2.3 A resolution by X-ray crystallography[4]

Evanescent-field-coupled (EFC) waveguide-mode sensors can be used to detect interactions between RNA and a small ligand, cyanocobalamin(vitamin B12)[5]

Nano RNA aptamer wire for analysis of vitamin B12[6]


In 1994, Jack W. Szostak'J et al. employed in vitro selection techniques to isolate aptamers with high-affinity binding sites for Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12). In 2000, Charles Wilson et al. have determined the structure of the vitamin B12 RNA complex with its ligand by X-ray crystallography at 2.3 Å resolution.In 2012, M S Thakur et al. Pioneering nano RNA aptamer wires for analyzing vitamin B12[1].


Jack W. Szostak isolated RNA chimeras specific for cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) by in vitro screening using affinity chromatography. They first created a random sequence RNA library consisting of approximately 5*1014 molecules. After eight rounds of screening and enzyme amplification, the library contained two main RNA sequences, with the primary sequence comprising 60% of the library. To determine the binding affinity, the dissociation constants (Kd) for the interaction between cyanocobalamin and the RNA aptamers were measured using equilibrium dialysis. The primary aptamer sequence had a Kd of approximately 320 nM with cyanocobalamin, while a smaller synthesized aptamer showed a Kd of 88 nM. Several RNA aptamers were identified, noted for their strong specificity and affinity to cyanocobalamin[1].
Detailed information are accessible on SELEX page.


2D representation

Here we use ribodraw to complete the figure, through the 3D structure information[4].



3D visualisation

Charles Wilson et al. determined the structure of the vitamin B12 RNA aptamer using X-ray crystallography. The structure was resolved at a high resolution of 2.3 Å.The vitamin B12 RNA aptamer is characterized by a unique tertiary structure that includes a water-filled channel through the core of an RNA triplex. This triplex structure is notably stabilized by water molecules which form bridging hydrogen bonds across planar base triples that lack significant direct base-base contacts. This structural arrangement is critical for the aptamer’s stability and specificity in binding vitamin B12. The PDB ID of this structure is 1ET4[4].
Additional available structures that have been solved and detailed information are accessible on Structures page.

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drawing PDBe Molstar

Binding pocket

Left: Surface representation of the binding pocket of the aptamer generated from PDB ID: 1ET4 by X-ray crystallography. Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) (shown in sticks) is labeled in yellow. Right: The hydrogen bonds of binding sites of the aptamer bound with vitamin B12.

drawing drawing

Ligand information

SELEX ligand

Jack W. Szostak et al. used equilibrium dialysis to measure the dissociation constants (Kd) of the interaction between cyanocobalamin, cobinamide dicyanide, and a 35-nucleotide RNA aptamer. The dissociation constants were determined using a dialysis chamber setup, with the aptamer at a concentration of approximately 10 pM, and different concentrations of the ligands were tested to calculate the Kd values​[1].


Structure ligand

Cyanocobalamin (commonly known as Vitamin B12) is a highly complex, essential vitamin, owing its name to the fact that it contains the mineral, cobalt. This vitamin is produced naturally by bacteria, and is necessary for DNA synthesis and cellular energy production. Vitamin B12 has many forms, including the cyano-, methyl-, deoxyadenosyl- and hydroxy-cobalamin forms. The cyano form, is the most widely used form in supplements and prescription drugs,. Several pharmaceutical forms of cyanocobalamin have been developed, including the tablet, injection, and nasal spray forms,,.-----From Drugbank

PubChem CID Molecular Formula MW CAS Solubility Drugbank ID
5311498 C63H88CoN14O14P 1355.4 g/mol 68-19-9 Solubility in DMSO : 20.83 mg/mL DB00115
drawing drawing

Similar compound

We used the PubChem database to screen compounds that were more similar to Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12), and selected the most similar compounds for display. For those without CAS numbers, we will supplement them with Pubchem CID.

Named CAS Pubchem CID Structure
Crystamine NA 118701720 drawing
Hydroxocobalamin 13422-51-0 44475014 drawing
Bevidox NA 44176380 drawing
cob(I)alamin NA 25195380 drawing
Cobalin NA 54605677 drawing
Cob(II)alamin 13408-78-1 5460183 drawing
Mecobalamin 13422-55-4 6474318 drawing
Methylcobalamin 13422-55-4 123134034 drawing


[1] In vitro selection of RNA aptamers specific for cyanocobalamin.
Lorsch JR, Szostak JW
Biochemistry. 1994 Feb 1;33(4):973-82. (1994)
[2] Preliminary characterization of crystals of an in vitro evolved cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) binding RNA.
Sussman D, Greensides D, Reilly K, Wilson C
Acta crystallographica. Section D, Biological crystallography. 1999 Jan;55(Pt 1):326-8. (1999)
[3] The structural basis for molecular recognition by the vitamin B 12 RNA aptamer.
Sussman D, Nix JC, Wilson C
Nature structural biology. 2000 Jan;7(1):53-7. (2000)
[4] A water channel in the core of the vitamin B(12) RNA aptamer.
Sussman D, Wilson C
Structure. 2000 Jul 15;8(7):719-27. (2000)
[5] Influence of nanometric holes on the sensitivity of a waveguide-mode sensor: label-free nanosensor for the analysis of RNA aptamer-ligand interactions.
Gopinath SC, Awazu K, Fujimaki M, Sugimoto K, Ohki Y, Komatsubara T, Tominaga J, Gupta KC, Kumar PK
Analytical chemistry. 2008 Sep 1;80(17):6602-9. (2008)
[6] Nano RNA aptamer wire for analysis of vitamin B₁₂.
Selvakumar LS, Thakur MS
Analytical biochemistry. 2012 Aug 15;427(2):151-7. (2012)