bG40min aptamer



Donald H Burke et al. screened Boron-containing aptamers to ATP, suggesting that boronated nucleotides could be used to develop boronated RNA ligands for boron neutron capture therapy with potential therapeutic applications[1].


Burke DH et al. constructed an RNA library containing 70 random nucleotides by an in vitro transcription method and performed 7 to 10 rounds of screening using the SELEX technique for RNA aptamers capable of specifically binding ATP. During the screening process, some of the RNAs were synthesized with boron-containing nucleotide analogs, bG or bU, instead of normal GTP or UTP. Ultimately, the investigators identified aptamers containing the ζ-structure from the bU and control pools, while this structure was not found in the bG pool. In particular, the ATP-binding specificity of the bG40min aptamer was verified by affinity chromatography experiments, which involved the use of different concentrations of ATP and its analogs to assess its binding and elution properties[1].
Detailed information are accessible on SELEX page.


The sequence and secondary prediction structure of the aptamer will be shown here, here we used ribodraw to complete the figure. The 2D structure of the figure is based on the article by ribodraw tool to draw. bG40min aptamer binding to ATP.



Ligand information

SELEX ligand

ATP is an adenosine 5'-phosphate in which the 5'-phosphate is a triphosphate group. It is involved in the transportation of chemical energy during metabolic pathways. It has a role as a nutraceutical, a micronutrient, a fundamental metabolite and a cofactor. It is an adenosine 5'-phosphate and a purine ribonucleoside 5'-triphosphate. It is a conjugate acid of an ATP(3-).-----From ChEBI
Name Molecular Formula MW CAS Solubility PubChem Drug ID
ATP (Adenosine 5'-triphosphate) C10H16N5O13P3 507.18 g/mol 56-65-5 10000mg/L (at 20 °C) 5957 DB00131

Similar compound

We used the PubChem database to screen compounds that were more similar to ATP, and selected the most similar compounds for display. For those without CAS numbers, we will supplement them with Pubchem CID.

Named CAS Pubchem CID Structure
Vidarabine Phosphate 29984-33-6 34768 drawing
Alpha-Methylene Adenosine Monophosphate NA 46936495 drawing
6-Chloropurine Riboside, 5'-Monophosphate NA 70789235 drawing
6-Thioinosine-5'-Monophosphate 53-83-8 3034391 drawing
6-Methylthiopurine 5'-Monophosphate Ribonucleotide 7021-52-5 3037883 drawing
Fludarabine 21679-14-1 657237 drawing


[1] Boron-containing aptamers to ATP.
Lato SM, Ozerova ND, He K, Sergueeva Z, Shaw BR, Burke DH
Nucleic acids research. 2002 Mar 15;30(6):1401-7. (2002)