Beetroot aptamer



Corn aptamer competent for RNA polymerase III transcription imaging was developed[1]

Co-crystal of homodimeric RNA Corn and ThT binding to G quadruplexes was determined[2]

A second dimeric fluorogenic aptamer, Beetroot, which shows partial sequence similarity to Corn aptamers and bind DFAME was described[3]

The structure of the complexes of Beetroot with Thioflavin-T is determined[4]


In 2022, Jiahui Wu, et al. developed Beetroot aptamer, which enables to bind DFAME and forms an RNA-fluorophore complex. In 2023, Luiz F. M. Passalacqua et al. analyzed the structure of the Beetroot-ThT complex through crystallization, diffraction data collection and NMR spectroscopy[1,2].


About ~1014 random RNA sequences was used in the systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment approach to generated aptamers that bind DFHO. DFHO with an aminohexyl linker was synthesized so that this fluorophore could be attached to solid support. After eight rounds of SELEX, a single 119 nucleotides-long aptamer (aptamer 6-1) that induced the fluorescence of DFHO was identified[1].
Detailed information are accessible on SELEX page.


2D representation

Here we used ribodraw to complete the figure, through the 3D structure information[1].


drawing drawing

3D visualisation

In 2023, Luiz F. M. Passalacqua et al. analyzed the structure of the Beetroot-DFAME complex through crystallization, diffraction data collection, structure determination and refinement. The atomic coordinates and structure factor amplitudes have been deposited with Protein Data bank under accession codes 8EYU (Beetroot-DFAME), 8EYV (Beetroot-DFHO), 8EYW (Beetroot-ThT), and 8F0N (Beetroot A16U, U38G-DFHO)[3].
Additional available structures that have been solved and detailed information are accessible on Structures page.

(Clicking the "Settings/Controls info" to turn Spin off)      

drawing PDBe Molstar

In 2023, Luiz F. M. Passalacqua et al. analyzed the structure of the Beetroot-DFAME complex through crystallization, diffraction data collection, structure determination and refinement. The atomic coordinates and structure factor amplitudes have been deposited with Protein Data bank under accession codes 8EYU (Beetroot-DFAME), 8EYV (Beetroot-DFHO), 8EYW (Beetroot-ThT), and 8F0N (Beetroot A16U, U38G-DFHO)[2].
Additional available structures that have been solved and detailed information are accessible on Structures page.

(Clicking the "Settings/Controls info" to turn Spin off)      

drawing PDBe Molstar

Binding pocket

Left: Surface representation of the binding pocket of the aptamer generated from PDB ID: 8EYW by X-ray crystallography. Thioflavin T(ThT)(shown in sticks) is labeled in yellow. Right: The hydrogen bonds of binding sites of the aptamer bound with ThT or other nucleotides surround small molecules.

drawing drawing

Left: Surface representation of the binding pocket of the aptamer generated from PDB ID: 8EYU by X-ray crystallography. DFAME (shown in sticks) is labeled in yellow. Right: The hydrogen bonds of binding sites of the aptamer bound with DFAME or other nucleotides surround small molecules.

drawing drawing

Ligand information

SELEX ligand

Kd is calculated by both ITC and measuring the increase in fluorescence as a function of increasing fluorophore concentration in the presence of a fixed concentration (50 nM) of RNA aptamer[2].

The Kd was determined by and measuring the increase in fluorescence as a function of increasing RNA aptamer concentration in the presence of a fixed concentration of fluorophore[1].


Structure ligand

ThT are fluorescent dyes used for histology staining and biophysical studies of protein aggregation and investigate amyloid formation. They are also used in biophysical studies of the electrophysiology of bacteria.-----From Wikipedia

PubChem CID Molecular Formula MW CAS Solubility Drugbank ID
16953 C17H19ClN2S 318.9 g/mol 2390-54-7 16.67 mg/mL in DMSO; 5 mg/mL in H2O HY-D0218
drawing drawing

DFAME is a red fluorophore(Ex=508 nm, Em=641 nm). Beetroot and Corn are dimeric fluorogenic RNA aptamers that can bind to DFAME to form Beetroot-DFAME (Kd=460 nM) and Corn-DFAME (Kd= 3600 nM). Beetroot-DFAME (Kd=460 nM) and Corn-DFAME can be used to form RNA assemblies in living cells. Creating RNA assemblies can be used for the study of RNA Nanostructures. DNA/RNA Nanostructures would be useful in cell and gene therapy (CGT) research.-----From MedChemExpress

PubChem CID Molecular Formula MW CAS Solubility Drugbank ID
71240548 C15H12F2N2O4 322.26 g/mol 1420815-55-9 100 mg/mL (DMSO) HY-W073524
drawing drawing

Similar compound

We screened the compounds with great similarity to ThT by using the ZINC database and showed some of the compounds' structure diagrams. For some CAS numbers not available, we will supplement them with Pubchem CID.

Source ligand Named CAS Pubchem CID Structure
ThT p-Dimethylaminostyrylbenzothiazole 1628-58-6 5378081 drawing
ThT DHPT 92-36-4 7087 drawing
ThT 4-(1,3-benzothiazol-2-yl)aniline 6278-73-5 234475 drawing
DFAME DFHBI 1241390-29-3 70808995 drawing
DFAME DFHBI 1T 1539318-36-9 101889712 drawing
DFAME SCHEMBL14662970 NA 71240545 drawing


[1] Imaging RNA polymerase III transcription using a photostable RNA-fluorophore complex.
Song, W., Filonov, G. S., Kim, H., Hirsch, M., Li, X., Moon, J. D., & Jaffrey, S. R.
Nature chemical biology, 13(11), 1187–1194. (2017)
[2] Binding between G quadruplexes at the homodimer interface of the corn RNA aptamer strongly activates thioflavin T fluorescence.
Sjekloća, L., & Ferré-D'Amaré, A. R.
Cell chemical biology, 26(8), 1159–1168.e4. (2019)
[3] Self-assembly of intracellular multivalent RNA complexes using dimeric Corn and Beetroot Aptamers.
Wu, J., Svensen, N., Song, W., Kim, H., Zhang, S., Li, X., & Jaffrey, S. R.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 144(12), 5471–5477. (2022)
[4] Co-crystal structures of the fluorogenic aptamer Beetroot show that close homology may not predict similar RNA architecture.
Passalacqua, L. F. M., Starich, M. R., Link, K. A., Wu, J., Knutson, J. R., Tjandra, N., Jaffrey, S. R., & Ferré-D'Amaré, A. R.
Nature communications, 14(1), 2969. (2023)