Mixed lineage leukemia proteins (MLL) aptermer



Show that MLL regulates target Hox gene expression through direct binding to promoter sequences. We further show that the MLL SET domain is a histone H3 lysine 4-specific methyltransferase whose activity is stimulated with acetylated H3 peptides[1]

Report that MLL is normally cleaved at two conserved sites (D/GADD and D/GVDD) and that mutation of these sites abolishes the proteolysis. MLL cleavage generates N-terminal p320 (N320) and C-terminal p180 (C180) fragments, which form a stable complex that localizes to a subnuclear compartment[2]

The crystal structure of the MLL1 SET domain in complex with cofactor product AdoHcy and a histone H3 peptide were determined[7]

Designed a large number of peptidomimetics to target the MLL1/WDR5 interaction based upon -CO-ARA-NH-, the minimum binding motif derived from MLL1. Our study led to the design of high-affinity peptidomimetics, which bind to WDR5 with K(i) < 1 nM and function as potent antagonists of MLL1 activity in a fully reconstituted in vitro H3K4 methyltransferase assay[9]

Report a comprehensive characterization of our recently developed inhibitor MM-401 that targets the MLL1 H3K4 methyltransferase activity[10]

Screened and isolated MLL1-binding ssRNAs using SELEX (Systemic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential enrichment) technology[11]


In 2008, Southall, S.M. and his colleagues determined the crystal structure of the MLL1 SET domain in complex with cofactor product AdoHcy and a histone H3 peptide. In 2019, Ul-Haq and his colleagues screened and isolated MLL1-binding ssRNAs using SELEX (Systemic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential enrichment) technology[9,11].


In 2019, Ul-Haq and his colleagues screened and isolated MLL1-binding ssRNAs using SELEX (Systemic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential enrichment)[11].
Detailed information are accessible on SELEX page.


The 2D structure of the figure is based on the article by ribodraw tool to draw[11].



Ligand information

SELEX ligand

The myeloid/lymphoid or mixed lineage leukemia proteins (MLLs) are the key histone lysine methyltransferases (HKMTs) that regulate the expression of a number of genes, including homeobox (HOX) gene, thereby affecting hematopoiesis and development in mammals.-----from article

Name Uniprot ID Pfam MW Amino acids sequences PDB Gene ID

Some isolated sequences bind to the affinity of the protein.

Name Sequence Ligand Affinity

Similar compound

We used the Dail server website to compare the structural similarities of ligand proteins, and chose the top 10 in terms of similarity for presentation. The Dali server is a network service for comparing protein structures in 3D. Dali compares them against those in the Protein Data Bank (PDB). Z-score is a standard score that is converted from an original score. The list of neighbours is sorted by Z-score. Similarities with a Z-score lower than 2 are spurious. RMSD(Root Mean Square Deviation) value is used to measure the degree to which atoms deviate from the alignment position.

Named CAS Pubchem CID Structure
3U84-A 45.9 429 Menin
5A6C-B 8.3 197 G-protein-signaling modulator 2, afadin
4HOR-A 8.2 191 Interferon-induced protein with tetratricopept
7KTR-A 7.9 222 Transformation/transcription domain-associated
5O01-A 7.9 161 Bklc (bacterial kinesin-light chain-like)
3GW4-B 7.8 150 Uncharacterized protein
8G53-A 7.8 151 Tpr_region domain-containing protein
5AN3-B 7.8 123 Sgt1
4FGP-A 7.8 132 Periplasmic protein
2QFC-A 7.6 172 Plcr protein


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[7] Structural basis for the requirement of additional factors for MLL1 SET domain activity and recognition of epigenetic marks.
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[9] High-affinity, small-molecule peptidomimetic inhibitors of MLL1/WDR5 protein-protein interaction.
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[11] Isolation of MLL1 Inhibitory RNA Aptamers.
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