Spinach RNA aptamer, Aptamer 24-2-min(Spinach)



Phosphocholine binding immunoglobulin fab is parsed for the first time[1]

Antibody fragments (Fab, Fv) that recognize native protein conformations have been shown to facilitate crystallization of other membrane proteins by increasing the polar surface area for protein-protein contacts and by restricting the flexibility of mobile domains[2]

The human β2-adrenergic G-protein-coupled receptor was crystallized as a complex with the antigen-binding fragment (Fab) derived from a monoclonal antibody[3]

With a higher molecular weight (50 kDa) than the U1A protein (11 kDa), Fab chaperones provide more surface area for crystal contacts, and their β-rich architecture is predisposed to making effective crystal contacts[4]

Fab BL3–6 has achieved promising results in RNA crystallization and structure determination[6]

used antibody-assisted crystallography to determine the structures of Spinach both with and without bound fluorophore at 2.2-Å and 2.4-Å resolution[7]

Show that Pb(2+) induces formation of Spinach's G-quadruplex and activates fluorescence with high selectivity and sensitivity[8]

Split spinach aptamer (SSA) probes for fluorescent analysis of nucleic acids were designed and tested[9]

The Fab and hairpin have served as a portable module for RNA crystallization[10]

A model study on Baby Spinach, a truncated Spinach aptamer with half its sequence[11]

Demonstrate for the first time that Spinach-based RNA visualization has the potential for in vivo monitoring of RNAs in plant cells[14]


In 1986, Satow Y et al. used X-ray for the first time to resolve the Phosphocholine binding immunoglobulin Fab. In 2014, Hao Huang and Nikolai B used antibody-assisted crystallography to determine the structures of Spinach (24-2 min aptamer). In 2018, Koirala D et al. studied the Crystal structure of Spinach RNA aptamer in complex with Fab BL3-6S97N[1,7,10].


Paige, J. S. performed SELEX with a library containing ~5 × 1013 RNA molecules and selected RNAs for their ability to bind DMHBI-agarose. After five rounds of selection, the pool of RNAs weakly activated DMHBI fluorescence, with further increases in fluorescence up to round 10. In 2014, Hao Huang and Nikolai B crystallized the minimal form of aptamer 24-2-min and they analyzed the complex structure of this aptamer[5].
Detailed information are accessible on SELEX page.


2D representation

An independent selection using a 40-nt randomized library unconstrained by secondary structure revealed a GNGACCC consensus sequence for Fab BL3–6 binding[5].



Here we use ribodraw to complete the figure, through the 3D structure information[5].



3D visualisation

DasGupta, S., Shelke, S.A., Piccirilli, J.A. et al.sovled the crystal structure, at 1.64 Å resolution. The PDB ID of this structure is 6B14[5].
Additional available structures that have been solved and detailed information are accessible on Structures page.

(Clicking the "Settings/Controls info" to turn Spin off)      

drawing PDBe Molstar

Binding pocket

Left: Surface representation of the binding pocket of the aptamer generated from PDB ID: 6B14 at 1.64 Å resolution. Fab BL3-6S97N (shown in vacuumm electrostatics), blue is positive charge, red is negative charge. Right: The hydrogen bonds of binding sites of the aptamer bound with Fab BL3-6S97N.

drawing drawing

Ligand information

SELEX ligand

DasGupta, S., Shelke, S.A., Piccirilli, J.A. et al. The binding constant of the aptamer was determined by nitrocellulose filtration experiment[5].

Name Sequence Ligand Affinity

Structure ligand

Fab (Antigen-binding fragment), also called antigen-binding fragment, is a region in the antibody structure that can bind to antigen. It consists of a complete light chain (variable region and constant region) and a partial heavy chain structure (variable region and a constant region fragment). The light chain and heavy chain are connected by a disulfide bond, which is small in size and has a molecular weight of 47-48 kDa.

Uniprot ID Pfam MW Amino acids sequences PDB ID GenBank

Similar compound

We used the Dail server website to compare the structural similarities of ligand proteins, and selected the previous information with high similarity for presentation. The Dali server is a network service for comparing protein structures in 3D. Dali compares them against those in the Protein Data Bank (PDB).

PDB Z-score RMSD Description
6RUL-A 22.5 1.8 GFP-lama-f98 a gfp enhancer nanobody with cpdhfr
8IQS-H 22.4 4 M11 vl-sarah
4HJJ-H 22 1.4 Interleukin-18
7JZ1-H 21.1 5.3 Mgc34 heavy chain
6XUX-A 20.3 1.3 Nanobody,glucosidase ygjk,glucosidase ygjk,nanobo
7CEA-A 20.2 4 Huts-4 vh(s112c)-sarah
7RGA-E 19.5 1.4 Nano clostridial antibody mimetic protein 3 vhh
4A6Y-A 19.3 3 Antibody bbe6.12h3 light chain
7KHF-A 18.8 14.9 Mdb1 fab heavy chain
7L15-A 18.5 6.3 T cell receptor mu chain


[1] Crystallisation of membrane proteins mediated by antibody fragments.
Carola Hunte 1, Hartmut Michel.
Current opinion in structural biology, 12(4), 503–508 (2002)
[2] A monoclonal antibody for G protein-coupled receptor crystallography.
Day PW, Rasmussen SG, Parnot C, Fung JJ, Masood A, Kobilka TS, Yao XJ, Choi HJ, Weis WI, Rohrer DK, Kobilka BK
Nature methods, 4(11), 927–929 (2007)
[3] Engineering of recombinant crystallization chaperones.
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Current opinion in structural biology, 19(4), 449–457 (2009)
[4] A portable RNA sequence whose recognition by a synthetic antibody facilitates structural determination.
Koldobskaya Y, Duguid EM, Shechner DM, Suslov NB, Ye J, Sidhu SS, Bartel DP, Koide S, Kossiakoff AA, Piccirilli JA
Nature structural & molecular biology, 18(1), 100–106 (2011)
[5] Affinity maturation of a portable Fab-RNA module for chaperone-assisted RNA crystallography.
Koirala D, Shelke SA, Dupont M, Ruiz S, DasGupta S, Bailey LJ, Benner SA, Piccirilli JA
Nucleic acids research, 46(5), 2624–2635 (2018)
[6] Phosphocholine binding immunoglobulin Fab McPC603. An X-ray diffraction study at 2.7 A.
Satow Y, Cohen GH, Padlan EA, Davies DR
Journal of molecular biology, 190(4), 593–604 (1986)